Thursday, January 19, 2006

ELF burns down spawl development

Camano Island, WA: JANUARY 19th- Authorities suspect that the Earth Liberation Front was responible for an arson fire tuesday night that burned down a nearly completed 9,600 square foot house causing $3 million in damages. investigators would only say that "someone spray painted a threatening message on a pink bedsheet and draped it across the front gate."

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

NOTE: updates to be more sporadic

i will be updating this site more sporadically because of computer access issues (don't have one, so i do it where i can)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

orissa Tribes Demand alnd back, riot.

Rourkela,JANUARY 10th: Armed tribals took to the streets of this steel city, setting trucks and dumpers on fire. they demands the return of stolen land that the steel company took from them 50 years ago. Carrying bows, arrows, and axes, tribals fanned out across the city in the early hours of the morning setting may cars on fire and stopping traffic.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

TECHNO-LOGIC-KILL: a missive against mass technics

The ever expanding social aprication of mass technics has had profound influence in the way society has changed over time. In fact, it could be argued that it is the major factor in how the social landscape changes. In the real world, or the natural world, time is not linear, but moves in cycles. Dawn brings day turns to duskand brings night, and repeat. This was a defining part of what shaped how we lived and saw the world. With the introduction of electric light, this changed dramatically. This prosses, whose logical conclusion is efficively to abolish the night, to abolish darkness, changed our sleep patterns, the role of the night in our way of interacting with the world, and it expanded the relm of control by the State. Every night we go to sleep, and wake up anywhere from 4~8 hours latter. We are accustomed to this. But the difference lies in that we go to sleep is totally disconnected from the natural cycles of day/night because the electric light has artificially extended the day for as long as it is on. Before the mass imposition of electricity in Europe and the United States (I've only read about these place in reguards to this issue), peaples sleep patterns were radically, different. There was two seperate 'sleeps', one starting shortly after sundown and ending shortly before midnight, and another a few hours latter until sunup. It only took a few years after mass electrification for this to be dramaticall altered. Prior to this it was common there to record ones dreams and reflect, and have time for relaxation inbetween sleeps, then, gone. Slowly but surely, we are ripped from the natural world and shuved into this atrificial world we have created. And I ask, how could we create such a world so alien to our needs?
With each new technological advance, another skill is lost, another thing that we were able to do for ourselves is forgotten as one stops doing it regularly, then they don't teach it to their children and another generation knows how to do one less thing. Another factory is built, another commercial made to sell the latest automation upgrade, another life spent in misery working to death to make the newest automation. The slow prosses towards the total biological atrophy of humans continues until our extiction as capable biological animals. Whose in control; the cripples, or the weelchairs and everything that is required to make them? We find ourselves in an enviornment alien to human needs, seemingly not needing us. Wake up in the apartment, a small white box entirely simmilar to the others in the building, itself a giant box. Don't need to use the stairs, so down the elevator, standing together with complete strangers, an akward silence. Out the door and into the street. A flood of strangers in uniforms flow past, your presence doesn't affect them. Wait, stop! a flashing electric light orders. Cars wizz down the street. Must stay on the sidewalk, in the street lies the real threat of death, the streets is allways saying. And on your other side, lights, messeges, screaming "look!" "new stuff!" "more", "look!!". Just gotta keep walking. Need to catch the train, can't walk there, or don't want to? No time anyways. wait! the train leaves without you, wouldn't wait for you anyways. It doesn't care, doesn't even know you, it can't because it's one of the new ones thats automated no people, just machines. Every day, same thing. Day in, day out. A life sacrificed on the alter of technological civilization. but not released to death, condemed to an existance not living but alive; undead. Where are you walking to anyways? extinction.

Friday, January 06, 2006

ALF free inprisioned Boars in England

Devon, UK:
JANUARY 4th- The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) took responsibility for reintroducing wild boars into England after a 300 year absence. ALF cut the fenceing around the wild boar pen at DeDame's Woodland Wild Boar Farm, releasing 100 animals. 41 rather young boars we recaptured, but despite hunters best efforts the majority remain free.

DIY skill of the day: water, water, water

When one looks at the basics of life, on the top of that list is in most cases water. this is basic. without it we die, rather straight forward. Another basic place to start is that civilization uses massive amounts of fresh water for everything from watering lawns, to manufacturing computers. Since civilizations appitite for water keeps growing, we are now entering into a water scarcity senario which could very likely be an agent in collapse in a similar manner as other peaking resorces. How we get food and what that food consists of is the defining factor in what human social organization looks like (1). In a simmilar way, how and where we get fresh water tends to define where we live and in which areas we mirgate threw. Most people today only in effect know to get water fom a pipe, or at least in the end only trust water from a pipe, but in reality this is just a complex, machanistic, and midiated way of doing the same thing as is done in primitive ways.
Where?: The most ideal is a spring. Follow a stream to its highest evelation sorce and there will be a spring. You can judge the relative cleaness of it by looking at the snad and sediments it has left on the floor of the stream at its sorce. If your real lucky there is a clean lake or pond around. Another method is if you follow the land it its lowest point, you will probably find some sort of body of water. Walk at least 50 feet away, the lowver the gradient of elevation the better, and dig a hole. This should fill with water. If it looks to murkey, scoop out whats there and let it fill again. This is using the soil to filter your water. You can do this by the edge of the ocean too, same rules apply. If you are in a more civilized enviornment, stealing water from the outside fausetts of houses and buisnesses is easy. In the desert in a survival situation water can be found in many cactai, this is however not the most enjoyable, or consistant, way to get water on a regular basis. Also, raw fish is a good sorce of both food and water. Note: much of our world is now filled with industrial toxins, bear this in mind.
Once you've fond your water and it is not nessisarily good to drink , or you just want to be sure, then the next surest thing is to filter it. To construct a filter first get a hollow tube (a log or whatever you can get) and pack well into the middle of it charcoal (NOT ash), followed by a layer of sand, then a layer of leaves , small rocks , or other such things that will hold the sand in and will provide some minor filtration. Then add a rock or something else to hold it all together. Do this until it is clear. A solar still is easily contructed by digging a hoel in the ground, streaching a tarp over it that is well sealed at the edges. Then place a small rock in the middle on the top and have a collection container on the bottom . This will get you some fresh water, but this is more of a survival thing and probably not the best for everyday use. Then there is boiling it, allways surefire.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

those still stuck in the constructed image of reality dished out to you, its time to Wake Up!

Its time for us, those fighting against the current order in all our stripes, to realize that the situation we face is not just going to change, but it already has. While i am sure many already know this, the question is in what way do you know it, and how do we incorporate the understanding of this new context into our day to day activities. How do we survive, thrive, and keep on fighting. so what is the new context i am reffering to exactly? that across the western world; across Europe and North America, and most definately, in The US, overt Fascism is becoming the Mode Operendi of the State. Of course, this is not new. It has been growing for many years now, slowly and behind the curtain. however, at least in the United States where i have a front row seat, it has now reached the tipping point where the image of the normality, of supposed "democracy" and "freedom" that is forcibly plastered on the surface of this modern hell, has ripped open as the fascism underneith it has now grown to big to hide. Bush has now stated, and acted upon, that he not only can bypass any law, but that he is the law. "the basic civics lession that there is three co-equel branches of government that provide checks and balances on each other is being fundamentally rejected [by this regime]" and "...congress is impotent" the current news is saying (there has never been a real "democracy" or any such rubbish but this indicates a move to overt fascism). A new law passed in Ohio will allow police to detain anyone in any public space without being charged with anything. Revised version of the Patriot Act establises Secret Police. All public transpotation systems will now have armed gustapo patrolling them all the time. Video cameras monitoring your every move are now ubiqutous. New cars are being made with GPS tracking devices built in. All communications are being monitored. The federal government says they can and should detain anyone anytime without charging them with a crime. It has been common knowlege for some time here in the US that Television, newspaper, and radio media has been bought and paid for, i.e. no free press here. This too however is not new, but what is new is the growth of directly connected Government propaganda being sold as news. the outlets of speach have been falling one by one as we, here on the internet, become the only place where speech exists. It seems that their strategy here is to allow this "free speach" but to isolate this until it is the only place where it exists, so that we would be too busy talking to each other to notice as they pop off free spaces one by one, until we are isolated. I AM NOT trying to give the usual conspiracy theory-ist crap fear mongering message of "be afraid, there is no escape!" because that achieves nothing and is just plain wrong. having said that, this government is fascist, so lets start treating it as such. there is no democracy, you get arrested there will be no fair trial, for it is just a play. They are mademen in a corner, for they know that civilization is coming to a close. Just like a cornered wolf. Lets use the little power we have left and take more or it back whenever, and wherever we can.

green anarchists destroy ATM in Istambul

Istambul, TURKEY:
JANUARY 4th- Istambul has just been informed by an anonymous e-mail that last night a group of anarchists destroyed an ATM as an direct action against the capitalist money system. "no compromise!", "Anarchy", and "Insurrection Against Civilization" where found spray painted at the site. they stated that they will prepare for further attacks against civilization.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

open letter to anti-civilization anarchists in Turkey

dear readers and potencial friends in Turkey,

as it seems that you frequent this site, and have informed me that you are translating this stuff
(it seems also GA/AP stuff from the US in general) into turkish from english, i have a proposition. lets turn this traditional inperialist relationship, as far as the spread of ideas go for a start, around here. i would be very interested in publishing on this site original turkish anti-civilization writings, action updates, or anything else of interest. i would also like to print this potencial material in a upcoming print version of B&GBulletin. you may take this or leave it as you wish. you can e-mail us at - -.

for a primal Anarchy, and the destruction of civilization~ Black & Green Bulletin

Monday, January 02, 2006

Anarchist group NMLA may be linked to Atlantic station arson

Atlanta, GA.-
A man who formed a one person Anarchist organization that aimed to "free the opressed minority population of Atlanta" may be behind a fire that destroyed two condo buildings at midtown's Atlantic Station last summer, the FBI was quoted as saying. the FBI's main suspect is one Steven Clark. During the investigation, the FBI cited that they believe he had "indicated interest" in robbing banks to fund the activities of the Neo-Millenium Liberation Army. Clark, 40, fatally shot himself on Nov. 9th when government agents surrounded the hotel where he was staying. the FBI suspects others were involved. the fire broke out shortly before dawn on July 24th. 322 condos where destroyed. a few hours later a seconf blaze on the top of the nearby Art Foundry was started and 80 units where destroyed. the heat was so intense, that 20 parked cars nearby were destroyed, no one was injured. Damage estamits topped $5 million. The "authorities" say they are not sure if however, NMLA exists at all.

arson attack against school parcially sucessfull

EURGENE,OR. january 2nd- A spat of arsons at a Eugene area high school have caused up to $500,000 dollars worth of damage. the fires, which occured late friday night, destroyed a hallway next to the gymnasium at North Eugene High School which left about a quarter of the school with smoke damage.
posters note: although much of this is not overtly political that does not make it insignificant. any attack on the the institutions of civilization (in this case school) is a welcome development in my book.

arson attack against school parcially sucessfull

EURGENE,OR. january 2nd- A spat of arsons at a Eugene area high school have caused up to $500,000 dollars worth of damage. the fires, which occured late friday night, destroyed a hallway next to the gymnasium at North Eugene High School which left about a quarter of the school with smoke damage.
posters note: although much of this is not overtly political that does not make it insignificant. any attack on the the institutions of civilization (in this case school) is a welcome development in my book.