Thursday, September 07, 2006

Assasinating power at the point of production!

get the idea?

LEBANON, OR. - August 18th: "Somebody had used firearms to shoot out insulators on a Bonneville Power Administration transmission line, the BPA said from Portland." "The vandalism to BPA’s Green Peter-Lebanon 115-kilovolt line occurred in a densely wooded area approximately 11 miles east of Lebanon. The line faulted at 6:22 p.m., and power to the Lebanon substation was restored at 10:28 p.m. Spokeswoman Mary Zimmerman of Consumers Power said the outage affected about 5,000 of the company’s 20,000 customers, most of whom are in Linn and Benton County. She said she received outage reports from Lebanon and Sweet Home and a few customers in Scio."


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