Sunday, January 21, 2007

ELF action update

Escondido, San Diaego, CA: Jan 19th 2007: a multi-million dollar condo was set ablaze yesterday at aproximately 1:35 pm by unknown millitants, cause waht is being called the "largest structure fire in the city's history". damages have been estimated at around $6 million.

"Four buildings, which were under various stages of construction by D.R. Horton of San Diego, burned to the ground at an estimated loss of at least $6.6 million, Reed said.

Firefighters were able to save the fifth building, which was near completion and almost ready to be shown to prospective buyers "

Deep Green Resistence conference

deep green resistance
confronting industrial culture * April 6-8, 2007 Deerfield, Massachusetts

How do we stop the mass destruction of our planet? We need a world without environmental devastation and social oppression: we need to confront civilization.

Join us for a weekend of exploring long range strategy, direct action, oppression, peak oil, natural living, and the deep questions of how to mend our hearts and sustain our spirits in these hard times. Good fun, great food, and the quiet woods also included.